Is the Problem Universe Predictable Example

Consider that we are playing with the 8-Puzzle problem. Every time we make a move, we know exactly what will happen. This means that it is possible to plan an entire sequence of moves and be confident what the resulting state will be. We can backtrack to previous moves if they prove wrong.

Suppose we want to play Bridge. We need to make some decisions like which card to play on the first trick. Then we need to make a plan for the entire hand before the first play, but we cannot plan and play with certainty since We cannot know where all the cards are or what the other players will do on their turns. So we have to investigate several plans and use probability of various outcomes to choose best plan for a good score.  So, the outcome of this game is very uncertain.

These two games shows us difference between certain outcome (e.g. 8-Puzzle) and uncertain outcome (e.g. play bridge ) .

In case of certain outcome, we can make a plan to generate a sequence of operation that guaranteed to lead to a solution. So, that the outcome is very certain.

In case of uncertain outcome problems, we follow the process of plan revision as the plan is carried out and the necessary feedback is provided. The disadvantage is that the planning in this case is often very expensive.
